If, for some reason, you are unable to complete your payment using PayPal, please contact us with your order details. We will gladly send you an e-mail with a PayPal Payment Request in order to complete your payment and...
If you are having issues redeeming your coupon, you may have entered the wrong coupon code or your coupon may have expired. Please make sure you write the promotional code in the exact same way it was given to you, without any...
The product information is located on each product page under the "Size & Material" tab. This section includes the material, thickness, and measurements of that specific item. The pendant length varies according to the...
Yes, all our precious metals are purchased from government certified vendors and are marked for authenticity. When you receive your personalized jewelry you will be able to find a stamp of authenticity on it. For our...
Yes! We can include numbers and punctuation marks on Monogram pendants. However, it is more advisable to customize your necklace only with initials, as the numbers and Punctuation cannot be styled with our Monogram font....
Once your order has been confirmed and approved you will be able to see the charge on your billing statement. You can find us next to the purchase amount under the name "Jewelry Website / GetNameNecklace".
If you purchase a name necklace with a birthstone, the birthstone will be placed as follows: For names that include the letter "i", we will set the stone on the dot of the "i". For names that do not include the letter...
All you need to do is place your order with the special character. We can add most characters to our jewelry, if it appears on the English keyboard. We know that nowadays people like to communicate with the emoji...
A Monogram is typically structured as follows; Left initial is your first name Center (large) initial is your last name Right initial is the middle name. For example, if your name is Nancy Grace Johnson, your...
Chains have been a very important aspect of jewelry since the time in which humans were able to craft metal into decorative pendants to be worn around the neck, wrist, or ankle. As jewelry making advanced and wearing...